On Sunday, January 19, 2025, Kodansha Young Magazine’s eighth issue officially announced the With You And The Rain anime adaptation. Written and illustrated by Ko Nikaido, With You And The Rain anime got a majestic release update in July 2025. The television anime series also revealed its main staff and cast members in the last news, including the big names from the industry like Demon Slayer’s Shinobu Kocho attached.
While the anime has yet to confirm a full release date, given the latest majestic release update, this should be officially announced in the upcoming months. Fans can expect a teaser trailer from the anime soon, given that the staff and cast members have finally been revealed.
With You And The Rain is a popular slice-of-life manga series that follows the unusual story of Tanuki, a young girl who meets and adopts a dog on her way home. This dig wasn’t an ordinary one since he knew how to write and communicate with Tanki with writing. As the story progresses, the dog soon becomes Tanuki’s companion, helping her on various occasions.
With You And The Rain Anime Announcement
It was announced in August 2024 that the manga would receive an anime television series adaptation, which promised to premiere in July 2025. The popular manga anime adaptation is produced by Lesprit and directed by Tomohiro Tsukimisato, with the script written by Touko Machida and characters designed by Ayano Ōwada.
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With You And The Rain Anime, Saori Hayami, Satomi Sato, And More Mre On The Cast
As mentioned, the With You And The Rain anime also announced its starting cast and release window. The series will star Yuna Kamakura as Mimi, Satomi Sato as Ren, Saori Hayami as Fuji, and Yuzu Yamato as Krause Ela Kii. The former three are the more recognizable names in the voice-acting industry, with Saori Hayami giving her voice to many popular characters like Yor Forger from Spy X Family, Shinobu Kochō from Demon Slayer, and others. She is one of the most celebrated VA in the industry.
Tomohiro Tsukimisato is directing the With You And The Rain anime and producing by Lesprit. While Touko Machida is in charge of the script writing and Ayano Ōwada designing the characters. Additionally, cast members should also be revealed in the upcoming months. A key visual previously released on “X” (Formerly known as Twitter) shows a young with an umbrella crouching down next to the dog (which many believed).
The series will serve as the television anime adaptation of author and illustrator Ko Nikaido’s original manga series of the same name. The manga series first began serialization in Kodansha’s Weekly Young Magazine in August 2020, where it is still ongoing with the regular serialization.
Animeking: Summary
In conclusion, With You And The Rain is an upcoming slice-of-life anime directed by Tomohiro Tsukimisato and produced by Lesprit. It follows the life of a young girl who stumbles upon an unordinary dog with writing skills. The dog uses his skill to communicate with the girl.
With You And The Rain anime promises to be released in July 2025.
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