Who are the most annoying anime characters? Find out the top 5 anime characters that are hated by the community.
It’s a known fact that everyone loves watching anime shows. Many characters from Anime have inspired creators to make films and TV shows. Fans have their own favorite anime characters. Some anime characters have been popular for different reasons as these characters were the most hated at the time of the launch. Now, let’s see the most annoying anime characters of all time.
5 Annoying Anime Characters
In every anime, there will be lots of characters that only receive hate. Here, let’s see the top 5 annoying anime characters and the reason for the same.
Sakura Haruno

At one, we have Sakura Haruno from Naruto. Sakura was widely criticized for being lame and timid. In Naruto, Sakura was never able to win battles as she was dependent on other characters. Also, Sakura never involves herself in important events and meetings. Sakura had her own goals and didn’t care about the village.
Sakura wandered everywhere without a goal and her love for Sasuke didn’t go well with fans. Another reason for People’s hate towards Saruka is her bad deeds. Saruka’s curse on Naruto and betrayal of other characters made her one of the most annoying Anime characters of all time.
Nina Einstein

Nina from Code Geass is seen only as a villain. Although she’s a former student of Ashford Academy, her relationship with Euphemia li Britannia changes the perception of the audience. Nina is known for Genocide attempts and murders. Nina’s wrongdoing in classrooms was the reason for the overwhelming hate on her. Nina is often described as Xenophobic and a Table Girl, but she’s still loved by some Anime fans.
Shou Tucker
Fullmetal Alchemist is a controversial anime series, and fans are still fuming at Shou Tucker, the 50-year-old State Alchemist, for many reasons. First, he was criticized for fusing a dog with his daughter. Next, Shou transmuted his wife to complete a taboo. Shou did all these to produce another Chimera, but it was hated by a wide section of the audience. Even Shou Tucker’s appearance can ignite viewers, such is the writing of this character.

Shou Tucker preferred his research and ignored his family. His evil thoughts and selfish nature became the talk among the Anime fans. These acts from Shou Tucker frightened characters in the Anime and the hate from fans started growing.
Naoka Ueno
Naoka from Koe No Katachi is a cunning girl from the Suimon elementary school. Naoka’s only goal is to marry Shoya, and she betrays her friends to fulfill this goal. Naoka Ueno’s bullying of Shoko received hate and she became an annoying character from the anime.

Once, aoka also persuaded Shoya to hate Shoko. Naoka never liked Shoko though she was good and loyal. Naoka’s crush and love for Shoya Ishida made her a bad and adamant student in the school. Though Naoka is bad, her love for Shoya is well-received by the audience.
Danzô Shimura
Well, it will be unfair if Danzô doesn’t get his name in the list of most annoying anime characters. Viewers have always hated Danzô from Naruto. Danzo’s greed and inability brought many problems to the village. In Naruto, Danzô acts as a good guy, but he’s always manipulative and evil. He tricks others to satisfy his hunger. Being the leader of Konohagakure, Danzô never possessed the abilities and traits of a leader.

Danzô always wanted to kill Hiruzen Sarutobi and control the village instead of being the savior. He’s also the main reason for tragedies in Naruto village and he also looted Shisui’s eye. Danzo has done many crimes and innocent people lost their lives because of his greed. Well, Danzo Shimura is easily one of the most hated and annoying anime characters of all time.