A slice-of-life manga anime, Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines, has an interesting story of high school breakups. Becoming an instant fan favorite manga is rumored to come back with another interesting season. Depicting the lives of high school students and how they navigate their lives into new opportunities and hope for love. Let’s get into the details of the story.
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Will there be a second season of Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines?
In a recent buzz about the manga anime, it has been noted that season 2 of the series has been given a green signal. Though there hasn’t been any official news from the makers, fans have to wait for the official announcement. Season 1 of the high school romance talks about the lives of high school girls who are dealing with heartbreak. The story opens with a secondary character taking center stage. A boy named Kazuhiko Nukumizu accidentally witnessed the breakup of a popular girl in his school.
He later encounters similar girls who are dealing with bad breakups. He labels all those girls as ‘losing heroines.’ The series came out in July 2024, and with 12 episodes, it concluded in September 2024. The episode ended on a happy note when Kazuhiko told Anna to live her life and let love come to have. She should not force herself to have a boyfriend.
Towards the end of episode 12, Anna’s actions hint at the possibility of a romantic connection with Kazuhiko, particularly when she took pictures of him to add weight to the fake date or when they had a cute moment. Still, there was no confirmation of this in the final episode.
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As the audience, all we have to rely on is the fact that other characters perceive the same possibility for romance between them, with Lemon and Komari even going so far as to force them back onto the Ferris wheel as soon as they get off, this time for a much more romantic ride as the sun sets.
Essentially, Nukumizu and Anna are closer than they realize, and she may begin to develop feelings for him because, after their ride, when the others inquire about the juicy details, Nukumizu’s clueless reiteration of their status as ‘just friends’ is something Anna mocks, alluding to the possibility that her opinion of him has changed.
The light novel by Takibi Amamori, illustrated by Imigimuru, is set to return with season 2 soon.