Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 is the next in the manga and likely opens where Chapter 190 left off as the issue saw them getting to the real world by tricking the Aging Devil. Though everyone left the world, the only one left behind was the President, and he may have pushed for his sins by not letting him out. Chapter 190 of Chainsaw Man, titled “To Their Respective Worlds,” indicates the comeback of everyone to their worlds, including Nayuta (not confirmed).

Nayuta is one of the most talked-about Chainsaw Man characters and perhaps the one nearest to Denji. However, Chapter 170 of Chainsaw Man introduced fans to the tragic death of Nayuta. Her death triggered the awakening of Chainsaw Man, causing a massive massacre of Devils. There’s no official confirmation of her death, and she may be alive, given of her status as Control Devil. Therefore, the upcoming issue of Chainsaw Man featuring the search task of Nayuta makes more sense and gives enough time for certain character development.
Another possibility from chapter 191 of Chainsaw Man is that Denji is living his life like he did before he went insane. He could try to achieve his dream, which he promised to Pochita. And now Asa is with him, fans can expect a romance between the two with less violence.
Unfortunately, we have no idea what will unfold next in the series, with no verified spoilers. There are a few days left before the official release of Chainsaw Man Chapter 191, so fans have no option but to wait. Or else they could look after the fan’s theories.
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Chainsaw Man Chapter 191: Release Date & Time
Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 may feature the return of certain characters from the past, such as Kishibe. He is one of the most talked-about characters and Denji’s first mentor. He was the first to Detect Makima’s intention of using others for her benefit. Further, Kishibe was the one who introduced Denji to Nayuta, the one who changed his personality. Therefore, his return to the story could offer the protagonist much-needed guidance.
Likely, he may witness everything going around, including the Chainsaw Man rampage, Nayuta’s death, and the Aging Devil attack. So, he may talk Denji out and probably tell about Nayuta since he was the first to discover her.
Moreover, the latest issue saw the gang return to the real world, indicating there’s no fear left whatsoever. So, featuring a romantic moment between Denji and Asa could give fans the treat that they deserve after the genocide of the Aging Devil and Chainsaw Man. There’s a possibility that the War Devil may let Asa handle the love affair.
For the time being, with no verified spoilers about the upcoming issue, fans are left with the option of waiting. If they want, they could look after the fan’s theories. According to a popular theory, the upcoming may feature the emotional moment between Denji, Asa, and Yoshida as they eat their orders and share the moments near them.
The upcoming chapter of Chainsaw Man will be released in the following regions:
Time Zone | Release Date and Time |
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) | January 28 at 8:00 AM |
British Summer Time (BST) | January 28 at 4:00 PM |
Indian Standard Time (IST) | January 28 at 8:30 PM |
Japanese Standard Time (JST) | January 29 at 12:00 AM |
Aging Devil Got Stuck In Its Own World
The latest issue of Chainsaw Man concluded the “Hero of Hunter” long-time fierce battle with the Aging Devil, with Denji and others returned to their worlds. The issue also highlights the devil unexpectedly trapped in its world after being devoured, resulting in it appearing in front of Denji, Asa, and Yoshida. As a result, the Aging Devil was questioned about its actions by the Public Safety Agent and forced to let them return to their worlds without asking anything back. Further, the Agingg lets everyone get back their worlds — with the President of Japan being the one in its world.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 190 is one of the most talked-about issues of the series, concluding Part Two of Chainsaw Man. They not only defeated the Aging Devil but returned to their worlds in their original form. Denji lost his senses and turned to Chainsaw after his sister died, returning to his original self after they defeated the Aging.
Further, Asa, Denji, and Yoshida celebrated their victory with their favourite foods. It’s a mystery whether the Aging Devil is out of the picture since they didn’t kill it, and the President of Japan is in its world. Fans can anticipate the Aging Devil’s return soon, as the series typically avoids killing its antagonist. Reze, Yoru, Makima (Nayuta), and Katana Man are still alive and active.
Of course, Denji devoured the organs of Makima, resulting in her vanishing from the world. However, she returned to an entirely new entity, “Nayuta.” Fans can expect Nayuta’s comeback or at least learn about her status in the upcoming issue.
Overall, Chainsaw Man Chapter 190 was a roller-coaster ride for fans with lots of bumps.
Chainsaw Man Chapter 190: Recap & Summary
Chainsaw Man Chapter 190 opens where the previous issue left off, with the Aging Devil finding itself in its world surrounding Denji, Asa, and Yoshida. Just after witnessing an unfamiliar place, the Aging questioned whether the Chainsaw Man was devoured by Chainsaw. And it makes more sense, given Chainsaw Man’s intention of freeing his friends from another world. However, the Devil was still alive and breathing after a public safety agent confronted it. He says,
Yaguchi, George, and I, believed in you.
He pointed him, and his fellow agents trusted the Aging Devil, guiding them to a deathless paradise. But when it sends Chainsaw Man to their world, they have nothing but questions. The scene shifted to a panel where Chainsaw Man threw a Pubic Safety Agent that grabbed the Aging Devil around and pulled it to another world.
The Aging Devil was confused seeing Yoshida and Asa standing in front, greeting the Devil’s return to the other world.
Nice to meet you, Aging Devil. — Yoshida.
As Chapter 190 of Chainsaw Man progresses, fans notice Yoshida offer the Aging Devil to make the contract with them. The contract stated, “They returned their worlds and never fought each other again.” However, the Aging asks, “If it refuses?” Denji suggests, “Everyone will return to their worlds with his mouth, of course, only him and Aging will stay.” The next panel showed their return to their usual lives.
There’s a week break before Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 and it will highlight the return of old characters.
Chainsaw Man Chapter 191: What To Expect Next?
Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 may likely feature a new beginning for Denji and his friends after they defeat the Aging Devil in a fierce fight. The fight between the two takes place in Chapter 170 after Chainsaw Devil is beaten and almost on the verge of death. However, the rise of the Aging Devil offered him another opportunity to live and fight for Denji. But it had a drawback as Denji and Asa find themselves in the Aging Devil world.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 190 concludes a lifelong battle with the Aging as Denji, Asa, and Yoshida manage to make the contract and return to their worlds. With no verified spoilers for the Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 and a few days left before the official release, fans do not have a way of learning what will happen next in the series. However, they could always look for the internet theories.
According to a popular theory, Chainsaw Man’s upcoming issue may highlight the return of a fan-favourite character. Kishibe may make his return to the story after learning about the events that unfolded during his absence. He is one of the most talked-about characters and the protagonist’s first mentor, making him an essential part of Chainsaw Man.
He was the one who introduced Denji to Nayuta, the control devil, Kishibe, may help Denji and others locate Nayuta. Moreover, fans can expect a conversation between Asa and Denji, talking about the kiss they had. They may share some romantic moments given’s Asa crush on Denji.
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Nayuta’s Return May Make Fans Dream Come True
Nayuta is the Control Devil in Chainsaw Man, and her stature is similar to Makima. Denji holds more closeness to Nayta than Makima, given the fact of him losing his control just knowing of her death. Her death is not depicted in the series, suggesting that Nayuta is still alive, and fans can anticipate her appearance in the story sooner or later. Moreover, with the recent arc of Chainsaw Man concluded, fans can expect Nayuta’s search arc in the story. And it could get even more interesting if Kishibe arrived to help Denji find his devil sister. Additionally, Asa and Yoshida may join Denji in his search operation. If that happens, many of the fan’s dreams may come true.
Where Is Reze In Chainsaw Man? She Will Return In Chapter 191?
Reze/Bomb Devil is the main antagonist of Chainsaw Man Reze Arc and perhaps the first with whom Denji shared romantic moments. Reze Arc is one of the most popular arcs in the story, especially because a feature film adapting this arc is in production and may be released this year. She is one of the most talked-about characters, and her strange relationship with Denji is what makes the character a fan favourite.
After Makima captured her at the end of the Reze Arc, she brainwashed her and turned her against Denji. However, she never encounters Denji afterwards, and her presence in the story is completely gone, which makes fans believe she got killed. Her death has never been depicted in the story, suggesting she might still be alive. Reze reappearance could be the perfect way to start new arc.
Where To Read Chainsaw Man Chapter 191?
As mentioned earlier, Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 is the next in the manga and likely highlights the conversation between Denji, Asa, and Yoshida as they deal with the current situation. People of the Chainsaw Man fan union have grown a mini chainsaw from their head, causing a stir among others. People start complaining and even decide to punish Chainsaw Man by themselves.
However, the situation may get uncontrol with Denji getting to his senses and helping them. Moreover, one-on-one talk of Denji with Asa could be a possibility given the fact they getting closer lately. Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 may highlight the job Yoshida does since he re-introduced only to help Denji and Asa return to their worlds.
Fans of the Chainsaw Man can read Chapter 191 on Viz Media’s official website, Shueisha’s Manga Plus service, or the Shonen Jump+ app. The first two options are free, allowing users to read the first and last three issues without charge. The Shonen Jump+ app requires a subscription, which grants access to the entire content library.
Animeking: Summary
In conclusion, Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 opens when Chapter 190 concludes, Denji, Asa, and Yoshida return to their worlds. Chapter 191 of Chainsaw Man likely highlights many key moments, such as Denji and Asa’s conversation, the reappearance of a fan-favourite character, the beginning of the new arc, and Denji’s motive.
Unfortunately, we do not know what will happen next in the manga, with no verified spoilers. There’s a week break before the official release of Chainsaw Man Chapter 191, fans have no way of knowing than waiting. They could turn after the fan’s theories if they want. According to a popular theory, Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 may return a fan-favourite character from the past. The character is likely to be one most popular ones in the story and may help Denji to Nayuta and share some words of wisdom.
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