On Sunday, December 22, 2024, the popular Shonen anime “One Piece” announced Egghead Arc comeback on April 06, 2025. This announcement came during the Super Stage Red at Jump Festa 2025 Day 2. The announcement highlights the Straw Hats continuing their grand adventure on Egghead Island, rescuing the Vegapunk and getting out with them. However, there’s a slight change in the schedule. The new episode of One Piece anime will air at 11:15 PM JST instead of its usual 09:30 AM time. As this announcement broke on the internet, we noticed the stir of tweets on social media. Fans are happy and looking forward to seeing what the series holds in future.
Moreover, the mangaka and author of “One Piece,” Eiichiro Oda, announced that a new film is being made, giving fans more to look forward to in the upcoming year.
The highlight of Super Stage Red at Jump Festa 2025 Day 2 was the grand farewell of Franky’s voice actor, Kazuki Yao. He voiced Franky in One Piece for twenty years, and his parting from the show put a dent in a fan’s heart. Before his official retirement as Franky’s voice actor, Kazuki Yao helped to find its true successor. The voice actor of Franky is Subaru Kimura, a German-Japanese actor and rapper: Well-known for voicing Aoi Todo from Jujutsu Kaisen.
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One Piece Egghead To Resume On Sunday, April 06, 2025
The most talked-about return of One Piece Egghead Arc was confirmed at Super Stage Red of Jump Festa 2025 Day 02. The announcement further revealed that the anime will resume its weekly episodes starting Sunday, April 06, 2025, at 11:15 PM JST. After a short break, the series will continue the Straw Hats adventure in Egghead, rescuing Vegapunk and getting him out from the Island.
Moreover, the One Piece official YouTube channel shared the introductory clip of Egghead Arc, which featured the Straw Hats, CP-0, Marines, Kizaru, and Saturn. Toei Animation didn’t disappoint fans by halting the anime for six months. And the clip of One Piece Egghead Arc’s return shows their work on the anime production.
As anticipated, there is a slight difference in the time when the anime will be aired. The anime previously aired at 09:30 PM JST, and when the anime returns on Sunday, April 06, 2025, it will be aired at 11:15 PM JST. This announcement was made by the voice actors of the Straw Hat crew, who were present on stage at the event. The beloved voices of Luffy, Nami, Zoro, and the rest of the crew joined together to share this exciting news. The complete crew was present for the announcement, which made the event further exciting.
Many updates about the One Piece Egghead Arc and the future film project were revealed during the event. However, the highlight of the event was the message from the mangaka and author of “One Piece,” Eiichiro Oda, who addressed the fans.
With the message, Oda confirmed that a film is in development, which excited fans who have been waiting for another cinematic adventure. While details about the film still are a secret, this announcement promises an exciting year for One Piece fans.
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One Piece Egghead Arc Last Episode: Summary
One Piece Egghead Arc is one of the most celebrated in the series and for various reasons. Firstly, the Egghead Arc introduced fans to Luffy’s Devil actual Devil Fruit (Hito Hito no Mi Model: Nika), followed by the fierce fight between Blackbeard Pirates and Heart Pirates, and ended with Monkey D. Grap captured by the pirates.
One Piece’s last episode aired on Sunday, October 14, 2024, saw the fierce fight between the Marines and the Blackbeard Pirates. The Marines led by Monkey D. Grap came to rescue their fellow Marine, Koby, from the Pirates. Little did they know that Akoji Kuzan was a part of Blackbeard and could stand against his previous master to stop Koby from escaping. This led to a fierce fight between the two sides with Monkey D. Grap. This led to a fearsome battle between the greater forces in One Piece, Grap and Kuzan. Unfortunately, at the end fight, Kuzan had the hold over Grap while the rest successfully left the Island. However, at the end of the episode, fans discover the future of Marines in Koby, who destroyed a giant hand with his Honesty Fist.
The rest of One Piece Egghead Arc opens up with this point, highlighting the conversation between Blackbeard after learning the crew let Koby escape.
One Piece Cast Gives A Touching Farewell To The Franky’s Voice Actor, Kazuki Yao, And Welcome The Successor: Subaru Kimura
In addition to the anime’s return and film announcement, there was an emotional moment at the Super Stage Red of Jump Festa 2025 Day 2. Franky’s Voice Actor, Kazuki Yao, announced his retirement from the series, making the end of an era for anime fans. His retirement was recognised by the other Voice Actors of the Straw Hats.
Jump Festa stage was formerly used to introduce his true successor and Franky’s new Voice Actor, Subaru Kimura, a German-Japanese actor well-known for voicing Aoi Todo from Jujutsu Kaisen. As a tribute to his legacy, the whole cast, including Subaru Kimura and Kazuki Yao, prepared Family 10nin no mugiwara no ichimi Ver Live, a special version of the anime theme that celebrates the bond. This performance brought fans and voice actors to honour the legacy of Kazuki Yao.
Animeking: Summary
In conclusion, the Super Stage Red of Jump Festa 2025 Day 2 saw the announcement of One Piece Egghead Arc return on Sunday, April 06, 2025. However, there’s a slight change in the time. One Piece anime will air at 11:15 PM JST instead of its usual 09:30 AM JST time. These announcements saw the upcoming One Piece project which is the movie in the franchise.
The event ends with the farewell performance of the Voice Actors, including Subaru Kimura and Kazuki Yao, prepared Family 10nin no mugiwara no ichimi Ver Live, a special version of the anime theme that celebrates the bond.
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