Zenshu is an upcoming romantic drama anime that has caught the attention of fans due to its unique storyline and talented team. Produced by MAPPA Studio, this anime follows the journey of a high school girl, Natsuko Hirose, who dreams of becoming a renowned animator. Zenshu is a completely original anime, not based on any manga or novel, which adds to its appeal.
The anime blends themes of ambition, struggles, and love in the life of an aspiring animator. Natsuko’s second project as a director, focused on one-sided love, challenges her both professionally and personally, leading to growth in unexpected ways.
Release Date and Time for Zenshu Episode 1
The premiere of Zenshu Episode 1 is officially scheduled for Sunday, January 5, 2025, at 7:30 PM IST. Here’s the release timing for different time zones:
Time Zone | Air Time | Date |
Japan Standard Time (JST) | 11:00 PM | January 5, 2025 |
Pacific Standard Time (PST) | 6:00 AM | January 5, 2025 |
Eastern Standard Time (EST) | 9:00 AM | January 5, 2025 |
Indian Standard Time (IST) | 7:30 PM | January 5, 2025 |
Philippines Standard Time (PHT) | 10:00 PM | January 5, 2025 |
Australian Central Time (ACST) | 12:30 AM | January 6, 2025 |
Studio MAPPA’s Original Anime – New Key Visual and Trailer
Zenshu has revealed a new key visual showcasing its protagonist, Natsuko Hirose, along with a teaser trailer that highlights the series’ romantic and emotional undertones. The vibrant animation and unique storyline have fans eagerly anticipating the release.
The Storyline of Zenshu
Zenshu focuses on Natsuko Hirose, a high school girl with big dreams in the anime industry. Her first project becomes an overnight success, making her an internet sensation. However, her second project proves to be more difficult, as it revolves around a genre she has no real-life experience with—one-sided love.
Natsuko’s struggle is both professional and personal, as she navigates through the challenges of directing this emotionally charged anime. Along the way, she meets a college student and starts a relationship, which ultimately helps her overcome the hurdles in her creative journey.
Zenshu Anime – Cast and Crew
The anime boasts a highly skilled team that promises exceptional storytelling and visuals. Here are the main staff and cast members for Zenshu:
Key Staff:
- Director: Mitsue Yamazaki
- Writer: Kimiko Ueno
- Music Director: Yukari Hashimoto
- Studio: MAPPA
Confirmed Characters:
- Natsuko Hirose
- Luke Braveheart
- Unio
- Memmeln
- QJ
Q1: Where can I watch Zenshu anime?
A: Zenshu anime will be streamed on Crunchyroll for international audiences. Additional networks for Japan and other regions will be confirmed closer to the release date.
Q2: How many episodes will Zenshu have?
A: The official episode count has not been announced. However, leaks suggest the anime may consist of more than 30 episodes in its first season.
Q3: Is Zenshu based on a manga or light novel?
A: No, Zenshu is an original anime not adapted from any existing manga or novel. This makes its storyline unique and fresh for viewers.