The coming-of-age series Senpai wa Otoko no Ko, aka My Cross-dressing Classmate, tells the interesting story of three high schoolers who are navigating their lives in their ways. Their lives are filled with problems, yet they are together and develop feelings for each other even though they are similar. After great success through its anime adaptation, the manga is set to have a movie. Let’s explore the details of the movie.
Senpai wa Otoko no Ko Movie Teases Journey of Three High Schoolers: Release Date & Plot
Makoto Hanaoka, Saki Aoi, and Ryuji Taiga are three high schoolers who are struggling with their identities when life takes them on a transformative journey. Hanaoka loves to dress like a girl despite his mother’s approval. His classmate Saki Aoi thinks of him as a girl, but after knowing his identity as a boy, she still wants to be his first love.
On the other hand, Ryuji Taiga is a childhood friend of Hanaoka and feels the same way Saki feels for Hanaoka. This love triangle will navigate various genres of life struggles and identities that these kids hid. The trailer, too, opens up endless possibilities as these kids try to cope with their love of being cross-dressers, gay, and bisexual.
The movie’s cast and production details will be revealed soon.
Senpai wa Otokonoko: Ame Nochi Hare is coming on February 14, 2025. The anime series had 12 episodes. The series is available on Crunchyroll.
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Ame Nochi Hare is a coming-of-age manga. The concept in the manga is based on LGBTQ+
It is available on Crunchyroll.
Senpai wa Otoko no Ko has released 10 volumes till date.