A beautiful coming-of-age anime series, Maebashi Witches depicts an interesting story of four girls who become witches out of nowhere. A comic friendship animation series explores various genres of friendship and fun and the journey of these girls who navigate their lives through the spectrum of their bond. Let’s get into the details of the series.
Maebashi Witches TV Series: Everything You Need to Know
A life without friends is like Earth without water. The original series Maebashi Witches is all set to entice fans into a beautiful journey of friendship. The first visual Junichi Yamamoto anime series brings in happy-go-lucky girls who are different in personalities, but their hearts align. The first trailer is also something that intrigued fans towards the series.
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The trailer showcases a high school girl, Yuina Akagi, living in Maebashi City, who is turned into a witch by a mysterious frog named Keroppe. Her room has a mysterious door within her closet that opens into a world full of magic and illusions. Yuina later meets four other witches named Azu Nisato, Kyoka Kitahara, Choco Mitsumata, and Mai Kamiizumi, who are also together; they grant them their wishes of people and bond like sisters. Turned into a witch. Together, they grant the wishes of people and bond like sisters.
The series is coming out in April 2025. The cast of the series is also revealed.
- Sakura Kasuga as Yuina Akagi
- Haruka Minami as Choco Mitsumata
- Hinano Sakikawa as Azu Niisato
- Honami Momose as Mai Kamiizumi
- Rena Motomura as Kyoka Kitahara
- Tomokazu Sugita as Keroppe
Sunrise Animation has made the series design. More updates of the series will be revealed soon.
It will be telecasted on broadcast channels, but we can expect to come on Crunchyroll
Its neither a light novel or manga. Its is simply an animation series that is created by Sunrise animations.
The exact release date is not revealed.