Wednesday, 29, 2025, saw the end of Komi Can’t Communicate with the latest and last Chapter 500 in the series. The popular romance manga, written and illustrated by Tomohito Oda, was serialized in Shogakukan’s shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday from May 2016 to January 2025. It has thirty-six physical volumes and fifteen million copies worldwide sold.
Komi Can’t Communicate is the story of Komi Shoko, a beautiful girl who has social anxiety, which makes it difficult for her to communicate with others. However, after she met Tadano Hitohito (her classmate), she decided to be more open to others and make a hundred friends.
Making a hundred friends is next to impossible for someone like Komi Shoko. However, after Tadano learns about Shoko’s goal, he decides to help her before leaving the school, giving everything he can to fulfill her wish. And as the manga comes to an end with nearly 500 chapters of the series and 8 years, 8 months, and 10 days of publication. Komi Shoko could leave the school with her head high.
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How Komi Can’t Communicate Manga Come To An End?
Komi Can’t Communicate is one of the popular romance manga series that beautifully talks about several social issues. It talks about Komi Shoko and her social anxiety, which makes it difficult for her to make friends despite being the most popular student in the school. However, after meeting Tadano Hitohito during one of the classes, Komi found a friend in him whom she could rely on.
As the story progresses, fans notice Tadano and Komi spending more together, and he helps Komi meet her goal of making a hundred friends.
As the manga goes, it officially comes to an end with Chapter 499 of the latest issue of shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday. However, Komi herself still has some troubles when it comes to speaking in front of others (as she turned down an opportunity to give the closing address to her class during the graduation ceremony). Komi has clearly transformed into a completely different person. In fact, she happily watched Tadano give the commencement speech instead and commented in support of each of the points he made.
As the final Chapter of Komi Can’t Communicate comes to an end, Tadano helps Komi and the rest of the graduating class, showing that despite their quirks, they’re all going to be found when they go out in the real world and their adult lives.
This has been something that the entire final arc of Komi Can’t Communicate focuses on, as Komi and others have been getting closer to leaving the school, Komi is bright and ready for the future. Thanks to how much Tadano and others have helped her blossom, she is now ready for the new challenges.
Animeking: Summary
In conclusion, Komi Can’t Communicate is one of the most popular romance manga series, written and illustrated by Tomohito Oda. The series follows the life of Shoko Komi as she deals with social anxiety. Despite Shoko being the most popular student in the school, she still has zero friends. However, it changed after she met Tadano, her classmate who helped her to make friends.
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