Now that the Jujutsu Kaisen is finally over, let’s look back to some of the most iconic moments in the series.
The ending of Jujutsu Kaisen spells the end of an era, even though the manga only ran for six years. Yet its popularity and impact on the shonen genre are so great that fans can’t help but feel nostalgic about the first time they came across the series. But
For those who’re still unfamiliar with Gege Akutami’s groundbreaking manga, Jujutsu Kaisen is set in a world where people’s negative feelings materialize into demonic beings known as curses. It’s the duty of the jujutsu sorcerers to protect normal humans from them. But when an ordinary teenager named Yuji Itadori becomes the vessel of the King of Curses one fateful night, all hell breaks loose.
Throughout its 271 chapters, Jujutsu Kaisen has some great moments that have set the fandom abuzz with discussions, debates, and theories. Some of these include its high-octane fight scenes while some are memorable only for their impact in the story. Thanks to its brilliant pacing, there are quite a number of such scenes, but we’ve picked only the best of the best. But before we begin, let us remind you that a spoiler alert is in full effect!
10. Megumi Summons Mahoraga

From the beginning of Jujutsu Kaisen, Megumi has shown great promise as a jujutsu sorcerer. His potential has not only caught our attention but also the King of Curses’. It’s always been pretty clear that he has a lot more to offer than his current ten Shikigami, with the first hint coming when he makes an unknown hand sign after Sukuna takes over Yuji’s consciousness in the juvenile detention center.
The sign stays a mystery for a long time before finally being unveiled during the Shibuya Incident Arc. After opening his Incomplete Domain Expansion to fight Dagon, followed by his encounter with Toji, Megumi is almost out of energy. So, when he’s attacked by Shigemo, he resorts to his suicidal plan: summoning the most powerful Shikigami there is.
Thus enters Mahoraga in the picture. As soon as it materializes in Shibuya, it takes out Megumi and goes to kill him. Thankfully, Sukuna arrives just in time to save the young sorcerer and fight the Shikigami, resulting in a clash so terrifying that it destroys most of Shibuya.
9. Yuji And Nobara Use Black Flash Together

Despite its bleak setting and frequent character deaths, Jujutsu Kaisen portrays the lighthearted moments of youthful friendship very well. This can be seen in the first-year trio’s dynamic, but the bond between Yuji and Nobara is something else. The two share a single brain cell most of the time and get up to hilarious antics together, often irritating Megumi.
However, when the moment calls for it, their duo can be a force to be reckoned with. The Death Painting brothers Eso and Kechizu come to know it very well. When they clash against Yuji and Nobara during the eponymous arc, it leads to a brilliant fight and one of the most iconic moments in Jujutsu Kaisen.
Seamlessly complementing each other’s fighting style, the young sorcerers battle the brothers and unleash the Black Flash together. Yuji has already unlocked this technique before during his fight against Hanami, but it’s the first time for Nobara and she uses this opportunity perfectly.
8. Gojo Kills Toji

Jujutsu Kaisen seems all about sorcerers and curses until Toji Fushiguro enters the story like an asteroid. A ruthless contract killer with no cursed energy, he’s the opposite of everything the series has presented so far, and that’s exactly why he’s so memorable. That and being the first person to kill Satoru Gojo.
During Gojo’s Past Arc, Toji makes his debut when he’s hired to kill Riko Amanai. This mission brings him face-to-face with his anti-thesis: the person who’s born with immeasurable power. However, Toji proves that he writes his own fate when he defeats and kills the teenage Gojo.
This incident is so monumental that it could’ve made it into the list alone, but what follows makes the whole scenario more iconic. When he almost dies, Gojo unlocks the true potential of his Six Eyes and heals himself before he kills Toji. It’s at this moment that he becomes an almost divine being, isolating himself further from humanity.
7. Kenjaku Reveals His Real Body

When Geto is first shown to be the antagonist, most viewers don’t bat an eye. That’s because at this point anime-only viewers don’t have an idea about who this guy is. But after Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and Gojo’s Past Arc, it becomes obvious that whoever the enemy is, it’s not Suguru Geto, who’s supposed to be dead.
Yet no one expects the villain to rip open his head to reveal his true body in the Shibuya Incident Arc. It’s a scene so shocking that not only fans let out disbelieving gasps but even Gojo is caught off-guard by it.
After capturing the blue-eyed sorcerer with the Prison Realm, Pseudo-Geto opens the top part of his head to show the parasitic brain inside: his true self. He’s only been using Geto’s corpse as a means to his plans. Eventually, it’s revealed that Geto isn’t the only dead body this parasitic creature has possessed.
6. Yuji Promises To Kill Mahito

One thing Jujutsu Kaisen fans collectively agree without any debate is that Mahito is one of the most hatable characters in the series. The Disaster Curse is absolutely deplorable in his actions and the sadistic pleasure he takes in others’ suffering. He demonstrates his cruelty for the first time during the Vs. Mahito Arc when he transfigures humans left and right for his experiment.
Mahito eventually meets Junpei and manipulates the depressed teenager for his own merriment, only to transfigure him at the last moment and force Yuji to kill his friend. Ever since this moment, fans have been eagerly waiting for his death. But the curse only gets worse as kills Nanami and supposedly murders Nobara during the Shibuya Incident.
By this point, fans hate him as much as Yuji does. So, it’s infinitely cathartic when Yuji finally accepts the similarity between Mahito and him and vows to kill him anyway. This is the first time viewers see the cold rage in the protagonist and it’s made more impactful as Mahito runs for his life like the pathetic being that he is.
5. Sukuna Regains His Body

The Shinjuku Showdown Arc starts off with the most anticipated fight in the series: Gojo vs. Sukuna. At this point, readers have no idea about who’s winning. So, when Sukuna comes out as the victor, they’re left with their mouths hanging open. But the shock only intensifies when the King of Curses regains his original body.
Sukuna is a figure of the legends, known for his four arms and two mouths in the Heian Era. However, throughout most of the series, he’s stayed confined in others’ bodies. But even then, he’s powerful enough to defeat the strongest sorcerer of today. So, everyone is completely right to worry when the villain returns to his real body.
In his true self, the King of Curses is more frightening than ever, and after Gojo, no one can stand on an equal footing opposite him. He kills Kashimo almost instantly after regaining his body and almost kills Higuruma, all the while fighting multiple sorcerers back-to-back. In short, Sukuna returning his original body is the harbinger of trouble for the sorcerers.
4. Gojo Shows His Eyes For The First Time

Gojo is not the first cool ‘sensei’ with hidden eyes and a colorful reputation, which is why he’s been compared to Kakashi so much in the beginning. But when he reveals his eyes for the first time, everyone has to shut up and agree that despite having some similarities, Satoru Gojo is iconic in his own right.
The much-anticipated moment arrives after the Fearsome Womb Arc when Gojo is attacked by an ill-informed Jogo. The sorcerer is more than capable of dealing with the Special Grade curse without showing his eyes, but when Jojo unleashes his Domain Expansion, he has to reveal his hidden eyes to open Unlimited Void.
Thus comes one of the most iconic moments in Jujutsu Kaisen when viewers see Gojo’s blue eyes in wonder. It’s a great scene in the manga, but even greater in the anime as MAPPA leaves no stone unturned to showcase the ethereal beauty of the Six Eyes.
3. Yuji Threatens Sukuna

One of Jujutsu Kaisen’s biggest setbacks is the lack of screen time given to its protagonist. Despite being the central character, Yuji is often left on the sidelines while other characters get cool moments. This happens more frequently as the story goes on and reaches an all-time high during the Shinjuku Showdown Arc.
After seeing only crumbs of Yuji while the sorcerers try to take down Sukuna, fans are positively overjoyed when the protagonist gets a solo moment after unleashing his unnamed (and unexplained) Domain Expansion. He prisons Sukuna inside the mysterious Domain and takes him out for a walk.
After sharing the experiences of his childhood, Yuji suddenly gets serious and explains how his view of life has changed since the beginning. The thoughtful moment is then followed by a cold warning from the young sorcerer: if Sukuna frees Megumi, Yuji will spare his life and even allow the curse to inhabit his body again, but if he denies it, Yuji will kill him. Sadly, what follows the scene is pretty disappointing, but the moment in and of itself is nothing but memorable.
2. Gojo’s Death

Nothing that happens in Jujutsu Kaisen can ever top the shock and grief fans feel when Gojo is revealed to be dead in the Shinjuku Showdown Arc. Since the beginning of his fight against Sukuna, fans have followed the battle with bated breath. Every chapter comes with new twists with the duo one-upping each other at every turn.
But Gojo finally seems to have won the round after destroying Merged Beast Agito and defeating Mahoraga. He then goes for the kill and unleashes his Hollow Purple on Sukuna. But when fans finally begin to cheer after Chapter 235, they get the shock of their life in the following chapter.
Chapter 236 starts with Gojo meeting Geto and his fallen acquaintances in the afterlife. At this point, readers have a clue that Gojo hasn’t won after all. But what follows is one of the bleakest moments in the series as the blue-eyed sorcerer is shown to be cut in half, with the upper body lying lifelessly with his eyes wide open.
1. Sukuna Takes Over Megumi’s Body

Sukuna’s interest in Megumi has been hinted at from their very first encounter, sparking many jokes about the two. Though at this point, the reason behind his interest in the boy is unknown, fans eventually get a better idea after the Shibuya Incident Arc. But his real motive is revealed abruptly toward the end of the Culling Game Arc when Sukuna suddenly takes over Megumi’s body.
As the Ten Shadows Technique user is left in shock after witnessing Yorozu in his sister Tsumiki’s body, Sukuna finds his perfect opportunity. He uses his Binding Vow on Yuji and takes over his consciousness before ripping one of his fingers and force-feeding it to Megumi, thus transferring himself into the Zenin’s body.
Chapter 212 ends with Sukuna inside Megumi’s body as he mocks Yuji. The duo’s contrasting facial expressions as well as the weight of the scene make it one of the most iconic moments in Jujutsu Kaisen, especially since it’s a turning point for the entire story. From here on, Sukuna wreaks havoc on the sorcerers until Megumi is freed and the King of Curses is finally defeated in Chapter 268.
Our list ends here. To learn more about the jujutsu world, check out the significance of the finger talisman and find out the women characters who are at the top. For more exciting content and breaking news on anime and manga, keep following Animeking.