A beautiful summer coming-of-age manga series, Honey Lemon Soda, is arriving to give fans the meaning of life. The popular manga series by Mayu Murata is announced to have an anime adaptation coming in 2025. The series was adapted into a live-action in September 2021, and now fans are waiting to know more about the series’ arrival. Let’s get into the details of the series.
Honey Lemon Soda TV Anime Coming in 2025: Release Date and Synopsis
The trailer and first visual of the anime are released. The main protagonists of the series, Uka Ishimori and Kai Miura, are seen in the poster, walking down a road in a school dress. The trailer of the series shows a high school student, Uka, who is given a nickname as Stone. She is an introverted person with no friends. One day, being played around with by a bunch of bullies, she is saved by a good-looking high schooler, Kai Miura.
He has hair like that of a lime and even the personality of a lemon soda. He brings her to his group, where she starts to learn how to be confident and also starts to have feelings for Kai. The series is coming out on January 8, 2025. Hiroshi Nishikiori is directing the TV anime. Akiko Waba has composed the series, Aimi Tanaka has done the character designs, and Akira Kosemura has composed the music.
In February 2024, Honey Lemon Soda has sold over 12 million copies worldwide.
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Its a manga series that has up to 26 volumes.
Yes, it’s a coming-of-age high school romance series coming in January 2025.
It will come out on Fuji TV, a Japanese, broadcast channel and Crunchyroll on January 8, 2025.