Dragon Ball Daima The New Anime Timeline Explained [2024]

Piyush Modak
Piyush Modak
(Credits: Dragon Ball Daima)

Premiered on Friday, October 11, 2024, Dragon Ball Daima is a new adventure fantasy anime series that follows the adventures of Goku and his fellow warriors in the Demon Realm. Created by Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball Daima was his last project. It is one of the most talked-about anime releases, bringing back the old classic memories of the 90s. Apart from this, a new threat has also been introduced in the story which is no less than the previous threat. Fans can clearly understand how much work Toriyama put into this just by looking at it.

Son Goku from Dragon Ball Daima
(Credits: Son Goku from Dragon Ball Daima)

Dragon Ball fans can finally rejoice, knowing that after a few years, a new Dragon Ball anime is available for them to stream. After its release on Crunchyroll, the anime has created a history by breaking multiple records. Fans considered Dragon Ball Daima to be the series from the franchise.  Toei Animation, the studio behind other work from the franchise, did great work. The animation is smooth, and the background music is the best. After the first episode, fans said this was the best show and answered some of the questions from the past, like how the fusion broke.

After the show’s initial episodes, fans wondered what would happen next. However, one of the most talked-about topics in the community right now is where the anime would fit in terms of the continuity of the story. No doubt, Dragon Ball Daima is one of the best anime of 2024, and for a plethora of reasons. One of them is answering the questions in the anime itself. The first episode answered one of the fan’s many questions regarding the show’s timeline. Check Animeking for the latest information on Dragon Ball Daima.

Episode 1 Introduction

Dragon Ball Daima
(Credits: Dragon Ball Daima)

Dragon Ball Daima is one of the adventure fantasy anime that was released recently on Crunchyroll. The show’s first episode introduced fans to the flashback of all the events that happened till the Buu Saga in Dragon Ball Z. While the flashback was running, the two new characters, the new Demon King, Gomah, and Demigra looked at the events. After the defeat of Dabura and Margin Buu, Demigra suggested to Gomah that he was the new ruler of the Demon Realm and couldn’t have to worry about anyone. However, after witnessing the incredible power of Dragon Ball Z warriors, Gomah decided to use Dragon Balls to make them kids.

However, Tamagami is guarding the Dragon Balls of Demon Realm, making it difficult to use them. Moreover, after the Tamagami’s introduction as a protector of Dragon Balls, no one dared to use them. And this shows how powerful Tamagami is. Afterward, Gomah decided to use Earth’s Dragon Balls instate since they are easy to use.

However, before they leave, he asks Neva, the Namakeiyan of Demon Realm and the creator of Dragon Balls of that world. He has unique abilities that no Namkaian in the show has ever displayed. Neva can collect all the Dragon Balls from a single place. He can reduce the time for them to use it again. It is one of the best abilities witnessed in the show so far.

As the episode progressed, fans discovered Gomah’s true intention and what his wish was. The episode of Dragon Ball Daima ended with all the Z fighters turning into small kids after the Demon King’s wish. For fans of anime, they should keep up with Animeking for all the latest information regarding the show.

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Dragon Ball Is Incredibly Close

As said, Dragon Ball Daima is one of the most talked-about anime of 2024, and even more special after knowing it is Akira Toriyama’s last project. He was the mind behind various Dragon Ball-related projects, including Dragon, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, and many more. As soon, as the studio announced the production of upcoming Dragon Ball-related work at New York Comic Con in October 2023.

As this news broke on the internet, fans of the series took over the social media platforms and started expressing their happiness. Nonetheless, Dragon Ball was part of every kid, at some part, in their lives. The show ended in 2018 when Dragon Ball Super released its last episode, with the Universe winning the tournament of power. Even after the show ended in 2018, the manga of Dragon Ball Super continued. However, after the death of Akira Torimiya in March 2024, the manga went on hiatus, without any update regarding the manga.

However, fans got Broly movie later in 2018, followed by Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. The two movies are excellent — in terms of animation and the story. This is enough to show the love Akira had for his work. He always thought about his readers/viewers and created the work accordingly. He was one of the mangakas in the world. His work on Dragon Ball has inspired and will continue to inspire many other mangakas.

Back to Dragon Ball Daima, fans have finally learned about the timeline. The show’s timeline is between Dragon Ball Z’s end and before Super. And the first episode displayed the same. The episode started with a flashback from the origin of Dragon Ball Z to Buu Saga. Fans also get their answer regarding the Supreme Kai Potara Fusion ending in Dragon Ball Super.

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Dragon Ball Timeline: Daima’s Place

As said earlier, Dragon Ball Daima is the Dragon Ball Z sequel and prequel to Dragon Ball Super. The two best works in the Dragon Ball franchise. However, fans are confused regarding the Dragon Ball Daima since Dragon Ball GT started after the end of Dragon Ball Z. Nonetheless, the two films, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of God, followed Resurrection F.

As said, the two films are the canon of the Dragon Ball universe, and it makes more sense after the introduction of the Dragon Ball Super series, which considered the continuity of Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball Super was also related to the other two movies, given the fact, they are part of the series.

Since they are part of Dragon Ball Super, the show created a new way for the universe to expand. Fans witnessed many tragic events in the show, including the destruction of planet Earth.

This was never shown before. Moreover, fans saw Goku and Frieza work to lead their team to victory in the Tournament of Power. Overall, Dragon Ball Super is the best in the Dragon Ball franchise. However, after the end of 2017, the Dragon Ball franchise produced two incredible movies, Dragon Ball Super: Broly and Super: Super Hero.

The two movies are excellent. With the introduction of Broly and finally making the character canon, fans can hope to see more of him in the future. Moreover, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero introduced Gohan’s new form, “Beast,” and fans believed it could rival Goku’s Ultra Instinct. In the manga, Beast Gohan goes toe-to-toe against Goku UI. It is one of the best moments in the Dragon Ball Super manga.

Back to the Dragon Ball Daima timeline, it was clear from the first episode that the show was set between the events of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. Therefore, in the anime, the only characters that appear are those who are presented in the Buu Saga or the new characters.

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Is Dragon Ball Daime going to be a hit?

No doubt, Dragon Ball Daima is one of the most talked-about anime releases of fall 2024. It promised to bring back the nostalgia of the 90s who grew up watching Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball Daima, which was the Dragon Ball universe part, and the show will surely taste success no matter how good or bad the story is. Dragon Ball Super, which hardly had the story, nonrelatable power system, and character development, was a hit among fans worldwide. That’s the power of Dragon Ball.

Written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball is one of the best Shonen anime to date, inspiring millions worldwide. The show became a household name after the release of Dragon Ball back in 1989. It follows the story of a young boy named Goku who travels places for the magical Dragon Balls that grant users any wish. The same vibe will get from Dragon Ball Daima. After a wish caused Goku and his friends to turn their childhood form. They must travel to the Demon Realm to fight with the Demon King who did this to them. Moreover, they must use the Dragon Balls of Demon Realm to make themselves normal. The story is simple, with the new characters and flashbacks from past events that brought back nostalgia.

Unlike any Dragon Ball previous project, Dragon Ball Daima has a high chance of success. It was Akira Toriyama’s last project and since he had involved himself fully, fans can expect nothing less than a masterpiece. The first episode proved the same, which showed better animation quality than any of Dragon Ball’s previous work. And answered many fan’s questions with an episode. Overall, fans believe that the Dragon Daima show would be a hit of the year. Fans can watch the anime on Crunchyroll and Netflix. They are the two most popular streaming platforms for anime.

How Did Supreme Kai And Kibito Potara Fusion?

After the release of Dragon Ball Super, fans of the anime had a question regarding the separation of Supreme Kai and Kibito Potara Fusion. As stated in the Dragon Ball Z: Buu Saga, when a deity used Potara to fuse, their fusion lasted their entire life. This statement came from Old Supreme Kai, who explained Potara Fusion to Goku and others.

Back in his young days, Old Supreme Kai was handsome, but after he fused with a witch, he started looking like this. Even after many centuries, this is not still undone, which gives evidence to Old Supreme Kai’s words. Luckily, the fusion with the witch worked for him since he could use other abilities like the time he increased Gohan’s strength. This is one of the reasons why they were able to beat Buu.

However, the release of Dragon Ball Super showed Supreme Kai and Kibito in their bodies, which raised questions among fans on how the two entities separated. At that time, fans haven’t received any satisfactory answer from the creator or producer. But after years, fans get their answer in the new episode of Dragon Ball Daima.

According to Supreme Kai, Buu’s body produced some chemicals that helped them with the fusion ends. That is one of the reasons why Goku and Vegeta separated after entering Margin Buu.

Therefore, when asked Buu to do the same with them, Supreme Kai and Kibito separated from their Potara Fusion.

Animeking: Summary

No Doubt, Dragon Ball Daima is one of the best adventure fantasy anime of 2024. Created by Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball Daima followed the adventure of Goku and his friends in the Demon Realm, looking for ways to get back into their original form. It was similar to what Dragon Ball is too. The show will give the vibe of the 1989 Dragon Ball series, which follows the same pattern. However, after years, fans again see their favorite anime characters in their child form, which also brings nostalgia to any 90s kid.

Dragon Ball Daima timeline was set between the Dragon Ball Z and Super. The first episode cleared this confusion by showing a flashback of every major event in Dragon Ball Z. It started with the introduction of Saiyans on the planet, followed by Freiza battles, and ended with Buu Saga. During the entire episode, the two new characters look at flashbacks that indicate them as potential villains. However, it is soon to predict who is the villain, but given the circumstances, Neva, the Namakeiyan from Demon Realm was the perfect choice to be the main villain. He had the power to make things that could not have happened before.

Please do check the Animeking website for all the latest updates regarding anime and manga,

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