Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 will likely open where the previous instalment left off, with Goku turned to his normal form as Gomah absorbs all his energy. In addition, fans could learn more about the wish Glorio made in Episode 18’s conclusion. He wished in the legendary Namekian language, which subtitles weren’t available due to Episode 18 ending with Glorio’s wish granted by the Dragon. He will likely be the centre of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 since his wish could be the key to Gomah’s defeat.

Unfortunately, there’s no way of telling what will happen next in the anime, with no verified spoilers. There are a few days left before the official release of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19, fans have no option but to wait. However, they can always look for the internet theories.
According to a popular theory, Glorio wished the Z Fighters to revert to their old selves. And if it is true, fans can see Vegeta, Goku, and others fighting in their original form in full strength. And this also justifies the title of the upcoming Episode 19 of Dragon Ball Daima, “Betrayal.”
One possibility is that Glorio wanted to become stronger than Gomah to assist Goku and the others in their battle against Gomah. Fans can learn more about Glorio’s wish in the upcoming Episode.
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Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19: Release Date & Time
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 will likely talk more about Glorio’s wish, which he made using the Demon Realm Dragon Balls. And how it will help Z fighters to Demon King Gomah. Moreover, the fierce between Gomah and the rest will continue in the Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 with a little twist. Despite Gomah having the upper hand, fans can expect Glorio’s wish to put the Demon King in an uncomfortable position from where everyone is cleaning their hands by beating the Demon King.

However, Glorio’s wish might make Dr. Arinsu feel betrayed for not following her orders. Therefore, it could be possible that Arinsu may ask Majin Duu and Majin Kuu to attack Glorio only to understand his mistake.
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 can make a fan theory may come true: Goku and Vegeta may use fusion to defeat King Gomah. Insisted using portrayal fusion: They will likely use Bug candy to be fused.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to know what will happen in the Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19, with no verified spoilers. Fans of the series could look for internet theories that could make sense a lot of time.
According to a popular theory, fans can expect Z fighters to get back their original self, which means Glorio wished them to be adult again. It could mean, fans can see adult Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo fighting Gomah.
Fans can expect a roller-coster ride in the upcoming episode.
Time Zone | Date and Time |
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) | February 21 at 7:40 AM |
British Summer Time (BST) | February 21 at 9:40 AM |
Indian Standard Time (IST) | February 21 at 8:10 PM |
Japanese Standard Time (JST) | February 22 at 11:40 PM |
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18: Recap & Summary
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18 begins where the previous instalment ended, with Goku frustrated that Gomah is preventing him from using his abilities. He trapped Goku in the barrier, not allowing him to move, which made him furious as he turned to Super Saiyan 3. Panzy was shocked as she witnessed Goku turning into Super Saiyan 3. However, fans already expected such a reaction from Panzy and Glorio since they were new to the concept of Super Saiyan. But Gomah wasn’t shocked as he moved to attack Goku, which caused him to get a solid punch on the guts.
Super Saiyan 3 is the opposite of normal and Super Saiyan 2. The form boosts all aspects of the users, such as speed, strength, and ability. In this form, users appear to be more serious focus. Many fans witnessed this when Vegeta turned to Super Saiyan 3 during his fight at Tamagami Number 2. However, at the time, fans called Vegeta always being serious, and SSJ 3 had nothing to do with their fighting attitude. But they were wrong after Goku turned Super Saiyan 3 and attacked Gomah. His facial expression is uncanny as fans saw him this focused and serious.
In addition, Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18 saw Majin Duu turn to Super Saiyan 3. However, there’s no way of telling how he managed to obtain the form belonging to the Saiyan race. But he did, which makes the Episode more fun to watch.
Majin Duu gave King Gomah some fight, but he quickly got exaggerated. And he is back to normal, indicating the troll Super Saiyan 3 put on the body. Therefore, Goku and Vegeta used Super Saiyan 3 only if necessary. As the Episode 18 of Dragon Ball Daima progresses, fans witnessed Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 transformation getting to canon.
Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 Vs. King Gomah
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18 saw Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 transformation against King Gomah. It was quite a shocker for fans who hadn’t expected that Akira Toriyama would listen to years-on demand of fans and make the Dragon Ball’s most iconic transformation into a canon. As expected, just after dropping Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18 on the streaming platform, it crashed the Crunchyroll server. Moreover, it was the third time any Dragon Ball series crashed the internet, which was enough to highlight the Dragon Ball’s popularity.

Unlike Goku’s Super Saiyan 3 transformation in Dragon Ball Z: GT, Daima executed it differently. Dragon Ball Daima revealed that Neva, the legendary Namekian from the Demon Realm, was the one who assisted Goku in achieving this form. Just when he noticed that Goku was in the blink of defeat, Neva used his power to unlock the potential of Goku. And thus, fans get Super Saiyan 3.
The new form gave him a sudden boost in his abilities, making him unstoppable. He even landed a perfect Kamehameha wave on Gomah and pushed him inside the floor. However, just when fans believe that the end of King Gomah, he rises with the giant body, emanating magic from the body. With the help of Third Eye, Gomah was able to nullify Goku’s Super Saiyan form and return him to normal.
Episode 18 of Dragon Ball Daima highlights Goku’s defeat against Gomah and it is up to Glorio who has the power to decide the faith.
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Glorio’s Summon Demon Realm Dragon
Another highlight of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18 was that Glorio summoned Dragon using Demon Realm Dragon Balls. And to fans’ surprise, he knew the ancient Namkeian language, which fans believed only to be known by Neva.
Fans thought that Glorio might be the main antagonist and that he would betray the Z Fighters when the time came. And that’s happened in Episode 18 of Dragon Ball Daima when Dr. Arinsu ordered Glorio to bring their Dragon Balls to her.
Fans following Dragon Ball Daima will know that the Z fighters had two Dragon Balls while Dr. Arinsu had one. Therefore, she ordered Glorio to bring their Dragon Balls so she could summon the Dragon.
As expected, Glorio brought their Dragon Balls and Dr. Arinsu together and summoned Demon Realm Dragon. The Demon Realm Dragon share the same similarity with the Dragon of Namekian. However, he only grants a wish at a time, so Arinsu orders Glorio to wish for her to be the New Demon King. Since Glorio understood the Namekian language, he wished for something before Episode 18 of Dragon Ball Daima ended.
Many fans believed that Glorio wished to make the Z fighters adult so they could defeat Gomah, while others had different opinions. Other thoughts that Glorio wished for Dragon to make Arinsu the Demon King which initial plan from the start.
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19: What To Expect?
As said earlier, Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 is the next in the anime and continues the ongoing battle between Goku’s party and King Gomah. Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 will likely talk about the wish Glorio made at the end of Episode 18.
There’s a possibility that Glorio could play a role in the upcoming Episode where it will help Z fighters to defeat Gomah. He may wished to turn Z fighters into their adult form so they could fight the Demon King in the fair fight.
Fans following Dragon Ball Daima will understand the dominance of Gomah, which he made in the past few episodes. He only one-shot Piccolo and Vegeta and defeated Goku in his ultimate form. However, the table could turn after Glorio’s wish. Moreover, Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 will likely feature the series’ first-ever fusion.
It has been one of the most talked-about topics in the Dragon Ball Daima since the introduction of bugs. Vegeta and Goku may use bugs to get fusion just the way they did with portia. As the Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 progresses, fans could learn more about the way Demon Realm Dragon works.
Glorio Wish To Make Z Fighters Adult
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 will likely see the series’ first wish granted by Demon Realm Dragon. And Dragon granted Glorio’s wish. He is like a Joker in the series, not knowing whose side he is. At first, fans believed Glorio was a saint who only wanted good for the Demon Realm. Therefore, he travelled to the seventh universe Earth and asked Z fighters to defeat Gomah, the new Demon King. But as the show progresses, fans learn one or two things about Glorio, such as how he worked for Arinsu.
As it appeared in front, fans believed Glorio was a traitor who would betray Goku and his party when the time came. However, it soon changed when he helped them on various occasions. But, in Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18, when Arinsu asked Glorio to wish the Dragon to make her the new Demon King. Glorio strumbled for a few seconds but when forced for several times, he finally managed to wish the Dragon Ball. There is no way of telling what he wished, but it is likely related to something that helped to defeat Gomah.
Where To Watch Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19?
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 is the next in the anime and will likely highlight Glorio’s wish, which he makes to the Demon Realm Dragon. In addition, Glorio’s intention will likely get clear in the Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19. Fans could learn whose side he really is.
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 will likely highlight the series’ first-ever fusion between Vegeta and Goku. The two understand the situation and the only way to defeat Gomah is by combining the power. Goku and Vegeta will likely use bugs to fuse each other.
Fans who want to watch the Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 can stream online on Crunchyroll and Netflix.
Animeking: Summary
In conclusion, Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 will likely feature the series’ first-ever fusion. Goku and Vegeta use bugs to combine their power into a single entity called Vegeto. Vegeto is one of the most talked-about characters whose strength is unmatchable. And since Gomah has an unmatchable strength it justifies if there’s another character like him.
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 will likely talk about Glorio’s wish, which he made in Episode 18. The wish he made was in the Namkeian language, so fans have no way of knowing what he wished. However, many fans believed that Glorio asked Goku and others to turn into adults.
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