In Blue Box Episode 11, titled “Uncool,” the summer break at Eimei Private High School shifts into full gear, balancing the relentless grind of sports training, summer assignments, and the joys of the season. Amid this whirlwind of activity, the promise of a fireworks festival sparks excitement and sets the stage for a heartwarming blend of romance and self-discovery.
The episode opens with Taiki, Kyo, and Hina grappling with their summer assignments in the school library. Their struggle offers a rare glimpse into the less glamorous side of high school life—studying. As they fumble through their work, the camaraderie of this trio shines, reminding viewers that these young athletes are just as bound by everyday demands as they are by their dreams of Nationals.
During a brief study break, Taiki and Hina find themselves alone. Their conversation turns nostalgic when they notice a flyer for the upcoming fireworks festival, reminding them of a similar event during middle school when their friendship first began. Taiki’s thoughtful nature back then—buying Hina a candy apple she had longed for without hesitation—resurfaces, offering a sweet insight into why Hina treasures him. Buoyed by this memory, Hina nervously suggests they attend the festival together. Her shyness is palpable, her hands fidgeting with her skirt as she softly mumbles the invitation. Taiki, oblivious to her deeper intentions, agrees without hesitation but misunderstands, assuming it’s a group outing.
Hina’s excitement quickly turns to dismay when Taiki later asks who else is coming. Realizing her mistake, she scrambles to cover up, claiming she’s still inviting people and even suggests Taiki bring Kyo along. Her disappointment is evident, but Taiki, ever humble and unaware of his own worth, doesn’t catch on.
Hina’s feelings remain unspoken, but her loyalty to Taiki shines through later in the episode. As they return from the gym’s storage room, they come across Chinatsu, Taiki’s crush, chatting with her friends. Taiki, hesitant and unsure of himself, suggests they take a longer route to avoid her. This frustrates Hina, who calls him out on his behavior, urging him to take chances and approach Chinatsu instead of holding back. Her outburst is as unexpected as it is selfless—pushing Taiki toward her rival despite her own feelings.
The scene is a testament to Hina’s character. While she harbors feelings for Taiki, she prioritizes his happiness above her own, even if it means encouraging him to get closer to someone else. Her honesty leaves Taiki baffled, but the moment underscores her depth and maturity.
As the fireworks festival draws near, Taiki accepts an invitation from Haryu to join a practice session at a local college. Ever determined to push his limits, Taiki seizes the opportunity to challenge himself, balancing his athletic ambitions with his promise to attend the festival. The practice session highlights his growth mindset, as he acknowledges his weaknesses and tackles them head-on, determined to improve.
Finally, the much-anticipated festival arrives. When Taiki meets Hina, he’s taken aback by her stunning appearance in a floral yukata. With the glow of the festival lights and the vibrant energy of summer enveloping her, Hina looks radiant, her nervousness only adding to her charm.
The episode ends with a sense of anticipation, setting the stage for what promises to be a pivotal moment in Hina and Taiki’s relationship. As viewers, we’ve been drawn into Hina’s journey—her vulnerability, her selflessness, and her unwavering care for Taiki. Whatever comes next is bound to leave an emotional impact, as Blue Box continues to explore the delicate dance of young love and ambition.
Blue Box Episode 12 is scheduled to air on Saturday, December 23, 2024. This episode will likely bring emotional resolutions and a pivotal moment for the trio of Taiki, Hina, and Chinatsu.