An intriguing manga series, YOWAYOWA SENSEI, aka Weak-kneed Teacher, is getting an anime adaptation. The series Kamio Fukuchi has an interesting plot of a teacher who is extremely shy and scary for students. The newly announced anime series released in the Weekly Shonen Magazine has grabbed fans’ attention with its new visuals. Let’s explore the details of the series!
The romance series YOWAYOWA SENSEI is all set to come out in 2025. The anime was adapted into a series recently, and fans are hoping to know more about it. The first look of the series showcases a quiet, shy girl in a school outfit. The plot of the series talks about Akihito Abikura, a second-year high school student who notices that she has been shifted to a scary teacher’s class.
Hiyori Hiwarimura is often seen keeping to herself and is also named Scary Teacher. She has been recently appointed as the English teacher in the school and has been having a hard time interacting with people, leaving aside the students. Later Akihito soon discovers that Hiyori isn’t scary but talks in ways of post-it notes and is shy.
An interesting journey of Hiwarimura and her students will help her to come out of her shell and become more interactive and confident.
Not much has been revealed about the cast and production. Many anime adaptations are happening in early 2025, so the chances of having the Weak-kneed Teacher anime early seem distant. It could come out in the spring or summer of 2025.
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No YOWAYOWA SENSEI is a romantic comedy.
There hasn’t been any information about its release but it will be available on Crunchyroll post its release announcement.
There are a total of 9 volumes.