6 Underrated Anime to Watch in 2024


Many anime shows have become underrated due to some reasons. Let’s find out the list of the most underrated anime of all time.

There are thousands of anime and manga series. Creators come with mind-blowing ideas and transform them into tv shows and comics. Over the years, many Anime shows have not reached the targeted audience and some didn’t win big. Fans love underrated Anime shows and here let’s see the 6 best anime shows that deserve more love.

Top 6 Underrated Anime in 2024

An anime becomes underrated because of slow narration, less engaging factors, and lack of commercial elements. Dark fantasy, cyberpunk, and black comedy are some of the underrated genres in Anime. 

From The New World (2012)

  • Genre – Dark Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror

‘From The New World’ is a spectacular show that takes its time to get into the act. The plot begins 1000 years ahead in a post-apocalyptic era where humans have telekinesis powers. The Anime didn’t get its praise as people felt tedious after watching the initial episodes. But “From The New World” is a masterpiece with a rich storyline and world-class graphics. The story moves at a fast pace in the middle phase. From The New World is underrated and one of the classic anime shows.

From The New World | Underrated Anime| Anime King

Kaiba (2008)

  • Genre – Sci-fi 

Kaiba has astonishing visuals and is one of the rare anime shows to deeply explore the fictional world. In Kaiba, Warp plays the lead role in a mysterious world that’s interconnected with the real world. Humans will die in Kaiba, but their minds never. Heroes have the special powers to retrieve memories with a chip and the data will be stored every time. Kaiba is grandeur and the creators have used the sci-fi genre truly. 

Kaiba| Underrated Anime| Animeking

Odd Taxi (2021)

  • Genre – Mystery 

In 2021, Odd Taxi shook the anime community. Though it was well-received by the viewers, the mystery thriller show has not been on the list of great anime shows of all time. Odd Taxi tells the story of an auto driver, Hiroshi Odokawa, in the world of anthropomorphic animals. It depicts the relationship between Hiroshi and animals in a brilliant way, and the emotions are conveyed perfectly. The journey of Hiroshi in Tokyo takes a turn when he finds out about the missing girl and gets chased by the cops and crime organization. Odd Taxi deserves huge love for the breathtaking narrative and world-class animation.

Odd Taxi | Underrated Anime| Anime King

Mushishi (2005)

  • Genre – Supernatural, Adventure 

The vision of Yuki Urushibara can be witnessed through the tales of Mushishi. Although Mushishi doesn’t have a fast-paced storyline, the anime has solid content featuring Ginko in the titular role. Ginko has the skill to spot Mushi, supernatural creatures. Mushishi is an underrated anime that’s set in the times of the Meiji period and Edo with 19th-century Japanese technologies. 

Mushishi | Underrated Anime| Anime King

Ergo Proxy (2006)

  • Genre – Thriller, Post Apocalyptic, Psychological 

Ergo Proxy is an enthralling adventure and it’s set in a future world featuring both humans and AutoReiv androids. The humanoid species, Proxies, play a pivotal role, and Inspector Re-L Mayer is another main character in the show. The story travels to a scenario where Androids start committing murders because of an unknown virus. Audiences failed to grasp the content of Ergo Proxy and this makes it an underrated watch

Ergo Proxy| Underrated Anime| Animeking

Excel Saga (1999)

  • Genre – Black Comedy, Sci-fi, Drama

Excel Saga, inspired by the manga of the same name, is another anime that has not gotten the reception it deserves. This is not for anime fans who only prefer thrillers and action. It’s one of the best satirical shows, and an ultimate laugh riot featuring Ilpalazzo and Excel in the main roles. Excel’s failure in executing tasks was well-received by the audience and her witty performance has been the major highlight of the show. Excel Saga is one of the top-rated comedy shows, and it’s highly underrated by the Anime community.

Excel Saga | Underrated Anime| Anime King
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